Precima Brake (exploded parts)
Precision as
Rooted in Germany
- reaching the world

With around 270 employees and 4 locations around Bückeburg, the PRECIMA Magnettechnik GmbH manufactures an extensive range of spring-applied electromagnetic brakes, clutches and rectifiers for all areas of application in electrical drive technology.


Reliably in use worldwide

Precima brakes have been successfully used in the field of industrial trucks for years. Whether in lift trucks, reach trucks, order pickers or electric forklifts, we are "at home" in the multi-layered application of industrial trucks.

Flurfoerderer Gabelstapler

Noise-optimized brakes are used in theater applications to guarantee absolute safety for man and machine according to the 'fail-safe principle'.

Magnetbremsen / Federdruckbremsen für Bühnentechnik

Our FDB/FDW brakes for pitch and azimuth drives, with their specially developed magnetic housing guarantee the highest efficiency and quality.

Windrad freistehend
Windräder auf Grünen Hügeln bei Sonnenschein
AGVs (Automatic Guided Vehicles) transportieren Produkte in Kartons
Offshore Windpark

Application-oriented development

Whether modified products from our standard program or completely new developments, we have the ideal solution for you.


Latest news and events


Your future in an innovation industry.

Apprenticeship · Dual studies · Safe future

  • Company pension scheme
  • Business Bike
  • Personality development
Your reliable partner
for over 40 years.


Production sites

Brakes / Year

From Schaumburger Land
to the whole world.
Weltweiter Vertrieb, dargestellt als Weltkugel mit Pfeilen aus Deutschland heraus in die ganze Welt